Are you planning to start your own Amazon business or just started out, then this course is for you. This will help you setup your seller account and start selling your products the right way!
Do you want to learn how to sell products on Amazon or Amazon FBA India? Or are you already selling on Amazon India but are not able to grow your sales? What if I say this is really simple? You just need proper knowledge and right strategy sell on Amazon successfully!
This Free Amazon Course by Amazing Marketer will comprise of 15 videos and 150 questions to test your knowledge
Through Discover Amazon, I am attempting to give you all the information important to understand how to start selling on Amazon before you actually dive into it, in a structured manner.
Before you register on Amazon, it is important to understand properly the technicalities behind the process of selling on Amazon India or Amazon FBA India. You need to understand all the fee and different charges associated with it.
You need to make sure you understand how to sell on Amazon India the right way while staying within the policy framework of Amazon.
Some people think that it is easy if you just start with Amazon FBA for beginners. But even selling on Amazon FBA also has the same policies and guidelines associated and in fact more. Moreover, it also has additional fee associated with it.
So, if you want to use fulfilment by Amazon, even then you must know how to sell on Amazon FBA, which I go into detail in the advanced Amazon seller training.
After completing this course, if you decide to launch your Amazon Business or take a complete Amazon seller training, you can check the Amazing Launchpad program and Amazon Seller Training programs offered by Amazing Marketer.
Benefits of Discover Amazon:
✅ Start selling profitably as fast as possible – With the right knowledge, you will know how to sell on Amazon in the best possible way and make the most of the features of Amazon Seller Central Dashboard
✅ You will know more than 99% of Amazon Sellers – because no one is actually learning how to sell on Amazon. People directly register and just start selling on Amazon due to which they make mistakes and lot of them end up failing.
✅ Scale at Lightning-fast speed – It is important to know the best practices, do’s and don’ts and the completely understand the all aspects associated with Amazon, to be able to scale your business at a quick pace.
Proven Tactics to get the most out of this Free Amazon Course:
✅ Refer again and again – If you don’t understand something or during the process of selling, when you find something confusing or get stuck. Refer to the videos in this course again and you will surely find a solution.
✅ Note down the key points – When you make your own notes, you remember better. And also, you will have a quick and handy reference with you when you are actually registering on Amazon and listing your products.
✅ Action is greater than analysis – It is good to refer multiple free amazon course or take Amazon seller training to understand how to sell on Amazon India or how to sell on Amazon FBA. But unless, you put that learning into action, you will not go much further. Don’t get caught up in analysis paralysis. Learn the concepts, make up your mind and start selling on Amazon, if you are really serious about it.
✅ Success is in Simplicity – Keep things simple. Do not over complicate things. Just follow the process and policies.
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